Portrait of Hacham Shimon Agassi

Portrait of Hacham Shimon Agassi
Portrait of Hacham Agassi painted by Mrs Ruth Gila, Beit Meir , Israel

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Anna B’Koach- אָנָּא בְּכֹח
Nehunia ben HaKana
נחוניה בן הקנה
נחוניא בן הקנה
987+3 words=990=18 (Nun 700)
Ana B’Koach
אָנָּא בְּכֹח
The Name “Hashem”-YKVK- יְהוָה appears 1820 times in the Torah.
52+1 word=8
8 in בְּ 10

The Prayer "Anna B'Koach"- אָנָּא בְּכֹח of 7 verses written by the Holy Tanna Rabbi Nechunia ben KaKana is teaching us that there are 8 within the 10 Sphirot. There are 3 Upper Sphirot-ג' עלינים (The Eighth Sphira-Metaphysical World counted together as (1) and 7 Lower Sphirot-ז' תחתנים of the physical world. The 7 verses correspond to the 7 lower sphirot but hidden withem these words is the entrance to the Eighth Sphira and the Redemption of Israel.
The entire Prayer of 42 words (מ"ב) and the initial letters of the 42 words are encrypted in the Code of Hai (1 and 8).  In my opinion the number 42 should be written with a final letter "Mem"-   ם"בas the gematria is 602=8.
The first word of the Prayer "We beseech You" is comprised of a letter Aleph- אָ (1) either side of a letter Nun- נָּ (50=8). Thus the word can be read both forwards and backwards as 1 and 8.

I thank my Rabbi and Teacher Rabbi Avraham Sutton for his translation below. He writes:
Ana BeKoach: This prayer (by Rabbi Nechuniah ben HaKanah) contains seven verses, corresponding to the seven lower sefiros (Chesed, Gevurah, Tiferes, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malkhus), and hence to the seven days of the week. It is recited here specifically in order to elevate all the sparks of holiness that we are releasing with our prayers. When it is then realized that we—as human beings and as souls—are not only responsible for elevating sparks, but that we too are sparks, we join our prayer with that of all the other holy sparks and cry out:
We Beseech You!
1- (8) 50 (8) -1
We beseech You, with the great power of Your [loving] right hand, release the bound one
אָנָּא בְּכֹח  גְּדֻלַּת יְמִינֶךָ  תַּתִּיר צְרוּרָה   
2640+6 words=18 (final letters)
The number 2160 is tenfold the number of Letters in the Explicit Name of Hashem
The verse can be divided so:
·       We beseech You! with the Great Power-   אָנָּא בְּכֹח(28=10=1)
·       Of Your [loving] Right Hand-                     גְּדֻלַּת יְמִינֶךָ(567=18)
·       Release the bound one- תַּתִּיר צְרוּרָה                         (1511=8 or + 2 words=10=1)

אָבְּ"גְּ - י ְתַּ"צְ
506+6 letters=512=8

Hear and accept the prayer of Your People. O Awesome One, elevate us and purify us
קַבֵּל רִנַּת עַמְּךָ שַׂגְּבֵנוּ טַהֲרֵנוּ נוֹרָא
2280+6 words=18 (Kaf 500)

The verse can be divided so:
·       Hear and accept the prayer of Your People-  קַבֵּל רִנַּת עַמֶּךָ(1392+3 words=17=8- Kaf 500)
·       Awesome One, elevate us and purify us- שַׂגְּבֵנוּ טַהֲרֵנוּ נוֹרָא  (888  + 3 words=27=1+8)
קַרִ"עַ - שַׂטַ"נ

We implore You, O Mighty One, protect those who seek Your Oneness like the pupil [of Your eye]
נָא גִבּוֹר דוֹרְשֵׁי יִחוּדְךָ כְּבָבַת שָׁמְרֵם
2874+6 words=2880=18 (Kaf 500)
The number 2880 is tenfold the "288 Sparks of Holiness"-רפ"ח ניצוצות דקדשה that shattered at the time of Creation. It is the task of the Jewish People to gather those sparks so as to complete the mission of Abraham, the mission of World Rectification-Tikkun Olam- and the unification of the Name of "Hai" (18) that split at that time into 1 (physical) and 8 (metaphysical).

The verse can be divided so:
·       We implore You, O Mighty One, protect those who seek-  נָא  גִבּוֹר  דּוֹרְשֵׁי (782=17=8)
·       Your Oneness like the pupil [of Your eye]- יִחוּדֶךָ  כְּבָבַת שָׁמְרֵם                     (1052=8)

נָגִ"דּ - יִכְּ"שָׁ

Bless them, purify them, confer Your charitable mercies upon them always
בָּרְכֵם טַהֲרֵם רַחֲמֵי צִדְקָתְךָ תָּמִיד גָמְלֵם
1955+6 words=1961=17=8
4115+6 words=4121=8 (Mems 600)

The verse can be divided so:
·       Bless them, purify them, confer Your charitable-  בָּרְכֵם טַהֲרֵם  רַחֲמֵי(774=18)
·       Mercies upon them always-            צִדְקָתֶךָ  תָּמִיד גָּמְלֵם  (2221+2 words=10=1 final letters)

בָּטַ"רַ צִתָּ"גָּ
706+6 letters=712=10=1

All-Powerful Holy One, with Your abundant goodness lead Your Congregation
חֲסִין קָדוֹשׁ בְּרוֹב טוּבְךָ נַהֵל עֲדָתְךָ
2974+6 words=2980=19=10=1 (Kafs 500)

The verse can be divided so:
·       All-Powerful Holy One-                     חֲסִין קָדוֹשׁ(538+2 words=18)
·       With Your abundant Goodness-      בְּרוֹב  טוּבְךָ(727+2 words=18 –Kaf 500)
·       Lead Your Congregation-                   נַהֵל  עֲדָתְךָ (1059+2 words=1061=8)

The verse can also be divided so:
·       All-Powerful Holy One, with Your abundant-  חֲסִין קָדוֹשׁ בְּרוֹב(748=19=10=1)
·       Goodness lead Your Congregation-                     טוּבְךָ נַהֵל עֲדָתְךָ(1576=19=10=1-Kafs 500)
חֲקָ"בְּ - טנַ"עֲ

Exalted unity, turn to Your People who remember and constantly make mention of Your Holiness
יָחִיד גֵּאָה לְעַמְּךְ פְּנֵה זוֹכְרֵי קְדֻשָּׁתְךָ
2363=14=8 (Kafs 500)

The verse can be divided so:
·       Exalted unity to Your People -    לְעַמְּךָ  יָחִיד  גֵּאֶה(681+3 words=18 -Kaf 500)
·       Turn, those who remember and constantly make mention of Your Holiness- פְּנֵה זוֹכְרֵי  קְדֻשָּׁתְךָ(1202+3 words=8 or 1682=17=8 -Kaf 500)      

יָגֵּ"לְ פְּז"קְ

Accept our plea and hear our cry, Intimate Knower of hidden mysteries
שַׁוְעָתֵנוּ קַבֵּל וּשְׁמַע צַעֲקָתֵנוּ יוֹדֵעַ תַעֲלֻמוֹת

The verse can be divided so:
·       Accept our plea and hear our cry-   שַׁוְעָתֵנוּ קַבֵּל וּשְׁמַע צַעֲקָתֵנוּ(2096=17=8)
·       Intimate Knower of hidden mysteries-                  יוֹדֵעַ תַעֲלֻמוֹת (1036=10=1)
שַׁקַ"וּ - צַי"תַ
906+2 "words"=17
At the end of the Prayer we whisper:

May the name [revelation] of the glory [radiance] of His kingdom [hidden providence] be blessed [drawn down, and ever increased, to illuminate the darkness of this world, now and] for all eternity.
בָּרוּךְ שֵׁם כְּבוֹד מַלְכוּתוֹ לְעוֹלָם וָעֶד

The gematria of the entire Prayer is also encrypted in the Code of "Hai":
       אָנָּא  בְּכֹחַ גְדֻּלַּת יְמִינְךָ תַּתִּיר צְרוּרָה:           
       קַבֵּל רִנַּת עַמְּךָ שַׂגְּבֵנוּ טַהֲרֵנוּ נוֹרָא:               
        נָא גִבּוֹר דוֹרְשֵׁי יִחוּדְךָ כְּבָבַת שָׁמְרֵם:            
       בָּרְכֵם טַהֲרֵם רַחֲמֵי צִדְקָתְךָ תָּמִיד גָמְלֵם:    
       חֲסִין קָדוֹשׁ בְּרוֹב טוּבְךָ נַהֵל עֲדָתְךָ:              
       יָחִיד גֵּאָה לְעַמְּךְ פְּנֵה זוֹכְרֵי קְדֻשָּׁתְךָ:            
      שַׁוְעָתֵנוּ קַבֵּל וּשְׁמַע צַעֲקָתֵנוּ יוֹדֵעַ תַעֲלֻמוֹת:          
 13648+42 words=13690=10=1
20378+42 words=20420=8 (final letters)


The gematria of the initial letters of the 42 words is:

אָבְּ"גְּ - י ְתַּ"צְ
קַרִ"עַ - שַׂטַ"נ
נָגִ"דּ - יִכְּ"שָׁ
בָּטַ"רַ- צִתָּ"גָּ
חֲקָ"בְּ - טנַ"עֲ
יָגֵּ"לְ -  פְּז"קְ
שַׁקַ"וּ - צַי"תַ
3702 + 14 "words" =3716 =17= 8
3702 + 42 letters =3744 = 18


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