The Succot and Shimini Atzeret Sacrifices
On the 8 days of the Festival there were sacrificed 215=8 sacrifices
With the additional Shabbat sacrifices 217=10=1
בשמנה ימי החג הקריבו 215 =8 קרבנות
בתוספת קרבנות שבת הקריבו 217=10=1 קורבנות
Bulls Lambs Rams Tamid (Sheep) Goats (sin)
1st day 13 14 2 2 1 = 32
2nd day 12 14 2 2 1 = 31
3rd day 11 14 2 2 1 = 30
4th day 10 14 2 2 1 = 29
5th day 9 14 2 2 1 = 28
6th day 8 14 2 2 1 = 27
7th day 7 14 2 2 1 = 26
Total 70 98 14 14 7 = 203
8th day 1 7 1 2 1 = 12
Shabbat 2 217=10 = 1
Hag Sameach
חג שמח
חג שמח
+2 words=361=10=1
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